The Sprouts have had the pleasure of hosting learning experiences since 2019.

Confluence of Wisdom

A 1-day Forum on System Change, Activism and Mindful Leadership

with: Satish Kumar, Jem Bendell, Adélaïde Charlier & Pablo Servigne

A 1-day journey with four influential voices in deep adaptation, activism, collective resilience, and transformative education. Satish Kumar's six decades of radical love converge with Jem Bendell, Pablo Servigne, and Adelaïde Charlier's insights on navigating collapse and fostering regenerative collective projects. A day of intergenerational confluence of wisdom and activism!

Horizons of Change

A Retreat for Nurturing Wisdom, Courage, and Capacity for Deep Transformations in Our Times

From 14th to 16th March 2024

with: Satish Kumar, Jem Bendell, Pablo Servigne & Virginie Raisson-Victor

Featuring prominent figures, this retreat offers a unique opportunity to engage in conversations and workshops across the realms of deep ecology, climate science, collapsology, and social activism. Explore new paradigms, discuss collective survival, and cultivate wisdom, courage, and transformative capacities in the face of rapid and profound changes. Open to change enablers, leaders, educators, and all seeking growth in wisdom and capacities for meaningful transformations.

System Day - From silo thinking to complex thinking

Wednesday 15 November 2023, from 8.30am to 4.30pm at l'Arbre qui Pousse
With : Robin de Carteret from Schumacher College (UK)

In today's world, the notion of 'systems thinking' is omnipresent. But how do you approach a system, understand it and influence how it works? What approach should we use? How can we help students develop systems thinking and prepare them to act wisely?

Earth Celebration - Entraide et reliance comme réponse à l’urgence

Le 30 août 2023 avec Pablo Servigne, à l’Arbre qui Pousse.

Le rendez-vous fin de l’été pour célébrer la communauté ! Convivialité, reliance, partages, résilience, rencontres ou retrouvailles, cette journée nous réunira autour des thèmes qui nous animent, ponctuées d’activité pour nourrir nos aspirations communes.

Au programme ? Une balade écosophique, un repas festif, une conférence avec Pablo Servigne et un concert de Buen Vivir Acustica !

On the Paths of Life - a walking workshop of Work that Reconnects

September 8th th 11th 2023 - with Aurèle Destrée & Virginie Lambert

With the help of The Work That Reconnects (by Joanna Macy), we engaged in the exploration of the Anthropocene and our changing and unpredictable world. To acknowledge, to welcome emotions, to work on resilience, to imagine the "world after", while remaining anchored in the present and weaving with the living.

Festival Maintenant !

- Cap 2033 : co-organisation d’une expérimentation collective du pouvoir d’agir avec Rob Hopkins et Barbara Stiegler.

- Animation d’une Marche du Temps Profond

Inner Development Goals Retreat - Time out to re-connect

23-25 June 2023 at l'Arbre qui Pousse with Sabine Denis and Sibylle Ouwerx (retreat held mainly in English)

This retreat was an opportunity to pause and reflect. To disconnect from the chaotic world and reconnect with nature, oneself and others. Based on the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we offer this unique retreat at L'Arbre Qui Pousse for all those who needed time and an environment to step back and explore their relation to the world. 

The intelligence of plants and the living world

16 June 2023 at l'Arbre qui pousse with Jean-Michel Florin and Terre & Conscience (conference in French)

Sensitivity, communication, seasonality, how does this intelligence that we perceive in plants translate? Plants are very different from us and seem to be very distant from our way of being in the world. Is it possible to understand the otherness of plants? We explored these questions with Jean-Michel Florin, trainer at the French Movement for Biodynamic Agriculture...

Field Trip to Schumacher College (UK)

May 22nd to 26th 2023 at Schumacher College (UK) with the Sprouts team (EN)

One week field trip at Schumacher College, a progressive college for ecological studies to discover and discuss holistic pedagogy. A week during which we delved into a diverse range of subjects, including systemthinking, agroecology, regenerativeeconomics, environmental humanities, progressive pedagogy,... We lived together for 5 days, sharing classes, fireside chat with Satish Kumar, workshops, thoughts, kitchen duties and gardening time; nurturing our heads, hearts and hands.

Heart and Earth in Business - Regeneration Organisations : from values to action

Saturday, March 25th 2023 9.00 - 12.30

Seizing the opportunity of a visit from Satish Kumar, we had the pleasure with ADIC to invite you to a dialogue between Satish Kumar, Olivier De Schutter and Sabine Denis.

A morning with three renowned guest speakers from different faiths, cultures and expertise to question why and how to grow space for the heart and the earth personally and in organisations.

Un Monde Nouveau - Projection et débat avec Cyril Dion

7 décembre 2022

Face à un avenir assombri par la crise climatique, le réalisateur et militant écologiste Cyril Dion parcourt le monde à la rencontre d’acteurs qui ont révolutionné une région, un pays ou une activité, et esquisse un nouveau récit : celui d’un monde plus juste et plus écologique.

Regeneration of our soils

October 14-15, 2022 at L’Arbre qui Pousse (Ottignies) and at the Larock farm (Neupré) (FR)

With: Peter Van Mol

Living soils are the basis of our life on earth. How healthy are they? How can we understand their needs and care for them? Participants learned the key skills and knowledge about the essential care of our soils to restore, regenerate and then maintain them in a healthy and resilient state.

Exploring Deep Time Walk facilitation

March 4, 2023 at L’Arbre qui Pousse (Ottignies) (FR)

A day of training to explore facilitation and experiencing the Deep Time Walk / Marche du temps profond. For anyone interested in facilitating groups and contributing to making this deep ecology educational tool known.

Earth celebration with

Satish Kumar

September 2 at l’Arbre qui Pousse (EN)

How can we experiment ways of being that allow us to relate more harmoniously to each other and to the world around us? How to support an education of the head but also of the heart and hands? This day around community was punctuated by various workshops, discussions, a fire, a concert, a shared dinner and a conference with Satish Kumar.

Navigating times of crisis: learning from deep ecology and decolonial pedagogies

August 22 to 24 - 2022 at l'Arbre qui Pousse with Aurèle Destrée and Tereza Čajková (EN)

What is the role of education in a world that experiences the acceleration of climate disruptions, biodiversity collapse and social crises? What do we need to learn now to be able to navigate rough waters in the future? This course invited people to deepen their capacities to face this new world.

Re-imagining Holistic Science

August 5 to 7 - 2022 at l'Arbre qui Pousse (EN)

The Master in Holistic Sciences, an emblematic course at Schumacher College in England, has inspired hundreds of students to this day. Alumni and friends of the College were invited to revisit this course, share memories and discuss how to bring it to life in the future.

Initiation Apiculture

2019 - (FR)


Avec : Maxime Daix, Jean-Philippe Piret, Grégoire Noël

Venez apprendre les bases d’une apiculture familiale. La formation s’axera sur la conservation de l’abeille noire, une espèce indigène de Belgique. Construisez-y votre propre ruche Kenyane afin de contribuer à l’avenir de nos amies pollinisatrices. 

Verger Haute Tige

2017-2018-2019-2020 - (FR)

verger 1.jpeg

Avec : Cédric Guilleaume

Pour la quatrième année consécutive, en partenariat avec la Cidrerie du Condroz, ce cycle de 5 formations a pour objectif de transmettre les bases des pratiques au verger, de la plantation à la transformation, au rythme des saisons.

Field Trip to S.C.

2020 - (ENG) - (COVID)


With : Co-Gîtons (France)

Join us for a field trip to the College and discover the place, its Heads-Hearts-Hands pedagogy, the community live and meet world famous teachers like Satish Kumar, Stephan Harding etc.  This is a joint initiative with our French partners, Olivier Maurel and Co-gî

Unleashing Imagination

2019 - (ENG)


With: Rob Hopkins

In this course will explore why, as activists and changemakers, we need to put the imagination central to our work. Alongside theory, this immersion will include play, imaginative exercises and improvisation (all of which you will be able to incorporate into your own work). We'll learn new ways to look at nature, we'll explore the power of 'yes, and'. Most of all, we'll have a lot of fun.

Me, myself and money

2020 - (ENG) - (COVID)


With: Mar Michelle Hausler

Me, Myself & Money is a workshop designed to open a safe space for you to explore your personal and emotional relationship with money.The process uses several tools, such as guided meditations, explorations and dynamic exercises to bring you into a space of questioning and personal reflection.


2020 - (ENG) - (COVID)


With: Guillem Caballero, Sophie Vandenkerchove

Give your self time and space to surrender to the wild in and outside of yourself. This is an invitation to take part in the big conversation that is happening through your direct sensory experience with all our relations.

Art of Hosting

2020 - (ENG) - (COVID)


With: Hele, Titchen, Sarah Whiteley, Anne-Laure Romanet

Art of Hosting is an approach to leadership using personal practice, dialogue, facilitation and co-creation to address complex challenges. The training consists of a mix of relevant models and practical methods that will help you to understand leadership better. We will apply methodologies to explore how to harvest collective wisdom.

Elegant Simplicity

2019 - (ENG)


With: Satish Kumar

Modern life is complicated, cluttered and chaotic. To live simply we need imagination, creativity and attention on how we construct our lives every day. This course will embrace complexity and show how we can include creativity and imagination in ordinary activities, transforming everything we do into an extra-ordinary way of life.

Voices of the Earth

2020 - (ENG) - (COVID)


With : Ruairi Edwards, Faze Al-Jawad

How many of us have dreamed of expressing ourselves through song? Yet how many of us were told 'you just can't sing'? Offer yourself the space and time to realise that dream in the supportive environment of a learning community.

Guts & Gaia

2020 - (ENG) - (COVID)


With: Faze Al-Jawad, Voirrey

Through a mix of theoretical and experiential learning, you will learn about ecosystems from the smallest to the biggest, learn the basics of how they function, and gain an understanding of how they work together. You will learn how to create your own fermentation ecosystems, to produce delicious and nutritious foods and drinks, and be provided with everything you need in order to continue this practice and develop your skills further at home.

Regenerative Economy

2020 - (ENG) - (COVID)


With: Guibert del Marmol, Jonathan Dawson

A five-day retreat to disconnect from daily lives and inspire towards new ways of making business, introducing the concepts of regenerative economy relying on the circular, local, collaborative, bioinspired and functional economy. But also introducing to personal development techniques and soft skills helping to know yourself better, rediscover or establish core life values, and ultimately be balanced leaders for a new paradigm.

Decolonial futures

2020 - (ENG) - (COVID)


With: Tereza Čajkova, Aurèle Destrée

An immersive learning experience where we will explore how we have been conditioned and socialized to relate to the world and each other, opening up a perspective that our current global problems are not related to a lack of knowledge but to an inherently violent modern-colonial way of being.


Gaia Week

2020 - (ENG) - (COVID)


With : Co-Gîtons (France)

A community gathering for activists, around Joyful & Deep Ecology, at Château de Millemont (France).

Une autre fin du monde

2020 - (FR) - (COVID)


Avec: Gauthier Chapelle, Raphaël Stevens 

Comment continuer à vivre et à s’engager dans un monde en effondrement? Les collapsologues Gauthier Chapelle et Raphaël Stevens nous accompagnent pendant 4 jours pour « apprendre à vivre avec ».